John Whitehead

2 min

Living on the Edge

As we go through life there are those who seek to live in relative safety and comfort and there are those who seem to be living on the edge.

I am not certain which lifestyle is the right one, but I do know it is usually one or the other. It is almost never an either or situation.

The sense of comfort some find in living a life devoid of obvious risk is understandable. Yet, as a believer in today’s world, we are all living closer to the edge than we might want to admit. The cultural shift away from faith and morality is making faith in Jesus less accepted and more offensive than ever before.

The question is as issues that are against the faith we profess seem to become more and more pervasive, will we blend into the landscape of our world or will we take a stand that pushes us closer to the edge?

It is in the moments where we are challenged to live life on the edge, the true test of our faith takes place.

I don’t think this means we protest or involve ourselves in judging and condemning those who do not know our Lord. However, I do think we must choose, as God’s Word reminds us, to stand in the face of anything that is contrary to what we believe and know to be true.

You see, when our faith is fully committed to Jesus, we are living contrary to a world that is and has always been confused and lost.

Living on the edge is where I hope to live while I am able. Bringing as many people to the edge with me is how I intend to live.

There are places where we can live in presumed peace and safety, but the passion and joy of living will be found when we are living on the edge!

Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
