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Giving Thanks

Writer's picture: John WhiteheadJohn Whitehead

The idea of “giving thanks” is a concept that does not accurately reflect today’s culture. The dissatisfaction in who we are, what we have and what we do is real and growing. To feel this way, is seen as both acceptable and understandable.

Perhaps more than ever before, we are being encouraged to be dissatisfied, to be angry and to voice our displeasure. Being upset about the situations and circumstances of our life is being used to demonstrate a need and reason for change.

I agree there is most definitely a need for change. However, the change we need is not necessarily in our life, our situation or our circumstance. The change we need is in our heart and in our perspective on life itself.

Most of us wake up each day in relative freedom, which is a reason for “giving thanks”. Yet, many cannot be thankful for what they have because they are consumed with what they don’t have.

This is where the nature of man is easily seen. Coveting and envying others for who they are and what they have started early in the creation story. Cain killed Abel for this reason and people have been doing so ever since.

This natural state is easily manipulated by the enemy and by others for their own selfish reasons.

The antidote for this condition is “giving thanks”.

Being thankful for each day, for each opportunity we are given and for each person we get to share life with will melt away the resentment and covetous nature that we all possess and are prone to.

“Giving thanks” and being thankful is where we find peace and freedom. Choosing to be thankful is up to us.

That is my goal with each new day. To give thanks for life itself, not for the condition or circumstances of my life.

“Giving thanks” and being thankful is God’s will for each of us!

I Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for your life in Christ Jesus.”

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