If you knew me, you would know I am a very passionate person. This has served me well over the years, but it has also cost me on more than one occasion.
This is because “my viewpoint” on multiple issues is more important than anything else.
This has led me to believe that because “my viewpoint” is essential, it should be important to those around me, especially those within my sphere of influence.
Ironically, the more passion I use to express “my viewpoint,” the less likely those listening are to hear it.
Yet it seems the more unwilling people are to listen, the louder they speak.
I have certainly felt the need to share “my viewpoint” with much intensity and I am not the only one who suffers from this problem. Many people do not seem to care what others think or feel.
Instead, they want others to know what they think or feel, regardless of whether they agree.
As always, this leads me to a question. How can someone feel so passionate about a point of view that they are willing to lose those they hope to influence by expressing it? Perhaps a statement as simple as “my viewpoint” is all that matters and can provide the answer to that question.
As you read this, you may immediately agree. But you may take exception once you realize this applies to you, too.
This is because we generally cannot see differing views when only focusing on ourselves.
This unwillingness to see and acknowledge that others may feel as deeply about their viewpoint as we do can lead to broken relationships and damage the cause we so passionately want others to see and agree with.
What can we do? We can share our point of view in a way that helps others see it by providing a listening ear and a heart filled with consideration and kindness.
If I cannot do this, I may not be as sure about what I am trying to express as I think. If so, then perhaps I should reassess “my viewpoint” until I can have it challenged without taking offense.
There is one last thought we need to consider.
Is “my viewpoint” always going to be the right one? I suppose it is if mine is the only one I ever hear.
Philippians 2:3 - Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
