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No Dissent is Allowed

Writer's picture: John WhiteheadJohn Whitehead

As free expression gives way to political correctness, the role of disagreement today is much different than it was just a few years ago. In fact, today having a different point of view is seen as dissension and “no dissent is allowed”!

What has transpired to create this new paradigm? The answer can be seen in the way people react or respond to anyone they disagree with or anyone who dares to disagree with them.

The reactions and responses seem to be ones of anger and outrage.

Why? Well, it may not be a popular sentiment, but people are more sensitive than ever before. Which has created a culture filled with highly emotional people who are inclined to have volatile responses to issues they are passionate about.

For these people, “no dissent is allowed”.

The problem is, when dissent is left unexpressed, it grows and boils just below the surface. Eventually, leading to an eruption that escalates into anger and frustration.

We must understand, disagreement does not necessarily mean dissention. In fact, disagreement should lead to dialogue. When this occurs, debate ensues. Healthy debate is the birthplace of ideas. This is where mutual respect and common ground can be found.

Conversely, when we are not allowed to disagree, dissention will always be the result.

What can we do in a world where our disagreements are seen as dissention? First, we must acknowledge disagreements are a natural and normal part of life. Then we must understand, our disagreements do not have to be divisive.

The question is, do we continue down this path? Or, do we look beyond our differences and allow a conversation to develop where those differences are met with consideration, grace and understanding.

Is this possible today? I would say it is, but I am afraid this too may be seen as divisive.

The answer to our dilemma is to bear with one another in love. Here is where our differences give way to a heart that desires to be reconciled, more than it desires to right.

Dissent provides us with an opportunity to listen to and consider an opposing point of view.

I am afraid if “no dissent is allowed” we will never be able to learn from one another and dissension and division will be what defines us!

Ephesians 4:2, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

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