When I was a young man, cockiness and arrogance were my natural state. I believed I was the best there had ever been at whatever I chose to do. If you didn’t think so, I was going to prove you wrong.
This is interesting for someone who grew up living an economically challenged lifestyle and who didn’t graduate high school.
Nevertheless, I was determined to overcome the limitations the world had told me I could not rise above. My goal was to be respected above all else and this meant I was going to ride in on my high horse even when I had no reason to do so.
This attitude was not based on how I was seen by others. It was based on how I saw myself.
Interestingly, this is not a new concept, and it has not gone away. In fact, this attitude and mindset of “riding your high horse” is just as prevalent today, as it has always been.
I know this is true and can be easily seen as young men and women carry themselves with an air of superiority that comes from seeing themselves as so much more than they really are.
In many cases this attitude is developed because of a position these people may hold or aspire to. In other cases, it is because of a deep-seated need to be acknowledged and respected.
The question is, what causes us to feel this way and why are we riding our high horse in the first place? If the arrogance we see in someone else is unattractive to us, why would we believe this same arrogance would be attractive in us.
I believe the primary problem isn’t we are so very sure and confident of ourselves. The reason for “riding your high horse”, often is not confidence at all. It is insecurity and it can be seen in the way we present ourselves to others.
It is fascinating how close cockiness and insecurity are to one another.
Regardless, many times in life, if we are not careful, we will overcompensate for our weaknesses by clouding them as strengths. Admitting this is true is something most of us will never do, even though it will be apparent to those around us.
The reason for “riding your high horse” seems justifiable in many cases and perhaps that is true. Even so, this is not something most of will see until we get knocked off that horse.
Then we will know, just how high a horse it was we were riding on in the first place.
James 4:10, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”
