In a world filled with self-absorbed, self-focused people, it can be difficult to see that not everyone is experiencing life in the same way.
Some have been marginalized, neglected, and forgotten. This is a shame since every person has intrinsic value and should be considered worthy of our time and consideration, whether we can understand or appreciate the differences they may bring.
Even as I write these words, I am reminded of times when I did not treat people as if they mattered to me. This truth haunts me as I consider how it must have felt to be ignored or neglected because of my thoughtlessness and arrogance.
This is one of the benefits of growing older. We can remember times when we were not at our best and hopefully do better than we did in the past.
Recently, I met a pastor from Indiana. He has a daughter who has Down syndrome. Her name is “Sunshine,” and it describes her perfectly. When I met her, it was as if a ray of “sunshine” surrounded her and brightened the lives of those around her.
This encounter has affected my life in profound ways.
Why? It has caused me to see past the superficial things we all see and consider the value someone can bring to our lives if we let them in.
The willingness to see beyond our differences and see the heart is something most of us never take the time to do because we do not want to be bothered by people who we deem undesirable or off-putting. The irony is this not only hurts those we have disregarded; it costs us the opportunity to be blessed in ways we cannot imagine.
Jesus spoke about people we discount and ignore when He said, “What you do for the least of these, you do for me.” I began to ask myself, what am I doing for the least of these when I encounter them, whenever, wherever, and whoever they are?
I find it interesting that as a Christ Follower who knows we are to love one another, it is easy for me to look past the people God has placed right in front of me because they may look, act, or seem different.
This has led me to strive to be more accepting and compassionate, especially toward those who seem to be on the outside looking in. This isn't easy because I am as self-absorbed as anyone. It requires me to care about and pay attention to people and to see those who struggle to be seen.
My goal is to bring “Sunshine” into the lives of others by allowing them to bring “Sunshine” into my life.
Who knows, the “Sunshine” I was meant to see may be in the person sitting there all alone in the shade!
Numbers 6:25, "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
