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  • Writer's pictureJohn Whitehead

Disparity in Diversity

The need and desire for diversity can be seen across every facet of our lives. The workplace, our schools and our churches and houses of worship are all committed to giving an appearance of diversity under the pretense a lack of diversity has existed for far too long.

Is this statement true? Is there a lack of diversity that needs to be corrected? Perhaps is the best answer I can come up with. If this is true, then this movement to make the necessary corrections is warranted. If not, then this same movement is misguided.

I am aware even making such a statement is seen as a demonstration of bias. However, I believe the reason the statement has merit is the truth that there is a “disparity in diversity” today.

This disparity is seen as we strive to include and validate one person or group while we exclude and discredit another. This is being done openly and without apologies under the notion that certain groups have had their turn. Therefore, excluding them is not only fine, but it is also the right thing to do.

I will not elaborate on which groups this applies to other than to say in my life experience, it applies to gender, race, and age. Ironically this is exactly what the cry for diversity claims to be trying to correct.

Recently I have come to realize, my gender, race and age are seen as a detriment. This was something I was completely unaware of and astonished by when I began to realize it.

You see, one of my greatest desires in this season of life is to help others see their value.

Doing so has become increasingly difficult as I witness this “disparity in diversity” firsthand.

As I have prayed and wrestled with my feelings regarding how I am seen and portrayed by others, I have come to realize how difficult it has been for people who may have been long excluded from certain positions and areas of our society.

The hurt associated with this reality is real and has caused me to pause and reassess my own value.

As I do, I am coming to accept I cannot do anything about my race, gender, or age, so I must learn to accept this “disparity in diversity” and move forward despite it.

At first, I felt slighted and hurt by the disparity I experienced, but now I feel empowered and motivated as I turn my feelings of despair and disillusionment into thoughts of value and contentment.

I can do so, because I know my self-worth is not in what someone else thinks of me or how they see me.

My self-worth is found in knowing this season of my life is what I make of it. My desire to serve and to be of use, though real’ is not predicated on what others think of me.

Instead, it is a by-product of why I do what I do and who I do it for. This has led me to an assurance that is far greater than any discouragement based on what someone else thinks of me can bring.

You see, I know without a shadow of a doubt, I am a child of God, and my Lord sees me with grace, mercy, and love.

In the diversity in that truth, there is no disparity!!

Romans 12:16, "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited."

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